Based on document Sample UME Application using SAPUI5 and SAP Gateway - Part II
I like to Update code for the sapui5 1.8.4
For Update
once model is set with service url .......
var oModel = new sap.ui.model.odata.ODataModel
use oModel update method
* Trigger a PUT/MERGE request to the odata service that was specified in the model constructor.
* @param {String} sPath A string containing the path to the data that should be updated.
* The path is concatenated to the sServiceUrl which was specified
* in the model constructor.
* @param {Object} [oContext] If specified the sPath has to be is relative to the path given with the context.
* @param {object} oData data of the entry that should be updated.
* @param {function} [fnSuccess] a callback function which is called when the data has
* been successfully updated.
* @param {function} [fnError] a callback function which is called when the request failed. The handler can have the parameter: oError which contains
* additional error information.
* @param {Boolean} [bMerge=false] trigger a MERGE request instead of a PUT request to perform a differential update
there is small problem in the document.
the parameter sequence mentioned in document is
but in the code it is
if the XSRF token is disabled in SAP Gateway we have to pass the header X-Requested-With=XMLHttpRequest based on
we can have add X-Requested-With in the Model
oModel.oHeaders["X-Requested-With"] = "XMLHttpRequest"
Other Operation
For Create
* Trigger a POST request to the odata service that was specified in the model constructor.
* @param {String} sPath A string containing the path to the collection where an entry
* should be created. The path is concatenated to the sServiceUrl
* which was specified in the model constructor.
* @param {Object} [oContext] If specified the sPath has to be is relative to the path given with the context.
* @param {object} oData data of the entry that should be created.
* @param {function} [fnSuccess] a callback function which is called when the data has
* been successfully retrieved. The handler can have the
* following parameters: oData and response.
* @param {function} [fnError] a callback function which is called when the request failed. The handler can have the parameter: oError which contains
For Batch
For Delete
* Trigger a DELETE request to the odata service that was specified in the model constructor.
* @param {String} sPath A string containing the path to the data that should
* be removed. The path is concatenated to the sServiceUrl
* which was specified in the model constructor.
* @param {Object} [oContext] If specified the sPath has to be is relative to the path given with the context.
* @param {function} [fnSuccess] a callback function which is called when the data has
* been successfully retrieved. The handler can have the
* following parameters: oData and response.
* @param {function} [fnError] a callback function which is called when the request failed. The handler can have the parameter: oError which contains
* additional error information.
Jibin Joy