Sometimes when we need to notify user about some events on a web application, growl notification is used. (Growl (software) - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia). When we google for CSS for Growl, we can get many implementations. So I just pick this one jQuery UI Notification Widget by Eric Hynds. And created a SAP UI5 control for it. Here is how (example) it can be used.
Let's get into the control itself. Here is the javascript.
sap.ui.core.Control.extend('sap.dennisseah.Growl', { // inspired by metadata : { properties: { title: {type: 'string', defaultValue: 'Title'}, message: {type: 'string', defaultValue: 'Hello, I am here!'}, visible: {type: 'boolean', defaultValue: false}, width: {type: 'sap.ui.core.CSSSize', defaultValue: '300px'}, autoclose: {type: 'boolean', defaultValue: true} } }, init: function() { this._show = false; }, renderer: function(oRm, oControl) { if (oControl._show === false) { return; } oRm.write("<div"); oRm.writeControlData(oControl); oRm.addClass("sap-dennisseah-growl-ui-notify"); oRm.writeClasses(); oRm.write(' style="width:' + oControl.getWidth() + '">'); oRm.write('<div class="sap-dennisseah-growl-ui-notify-message sap-dennisseah-growl-ui-notify-message-style">'); oRm.write('<a class="sap-dennisseah-growl-ui-notify-cross sap-dennisseah-growl-ui-notify-close" href="#">x</a>'); oRm.write('<div class="sap-dennisseah-growl-ui-notify-title">' + oControl.getTitle() + '</div>'); oRm.write('<p>' + oControl.getMessage() + '</p>'); oRm.write("</div>"); oRm.write("</div>"); }, onAfterRendering: function() { var that = this; this.$().find('a').click(function() { that.hide(); }); }, hide: function() { this._show = false; this.$().fadeOut('slow'); }, show: function() { var that = this; this._show = true; this.invalidate(); if (this.getAutoclose()) { setTimeout(function() { that.hide(); }, 2000); } } });
And its css can be find at
You can do show() and hide() to show and hide it respectively. When it is visible (shown) and with the autoclose flag set, it will fade out in 2 seconds. Otherwise, user has to click on the close (x) icon to hide is explicitly.
var growl = new sap.dennisseah.Growl({ title: 'Success', width: '350px', // default is 300px message: 'You have successfully created the control', autoclose: false // default is true }); growl.placeAt('content'); // you can add it to any containers such as page, panel, etc; // do this whenever you want to show it.
And this is how it looks like
Hope that you like it.