Introduction -
When I first heard that SAP was building a web development toolkit it really made me curious, but when I read that the SAPUI5 toolkit was going opensource I inmediately knew that it was the perfect time to swim into the HTML5 + Javascript world. In my current blog, I will share my first attempt of SAPUI5 powered web application, inspired on the main activities that can be done in the city i live in: Lima.
There are two main blog posts that I found extremely useful while learning/developing:
Building SAP Fiori-like UIs with SAPUI5
Description -
The app consists on two main Views:
The main List | and the Detail
An this is the Map within the Icon Tab Bar
You can find my source code on the following Github repository: rhmircin/LimaEsLinda · GitHub
There are some bugs and performance issues I'm struggling with, so feel free to fork, clone etc. Any idea, comment or suggestion is welcome.