Content of this series:
The power of OData - Part 1 - Introduction
The power of OData - Part 2 - Setting up the Environment
The power of OData - Part 3 - Creating a data Model
The power of OData - Part 4 - Creating an OData service
The power of OData - Part 5 - Consuming the service with SAPUI5(this part)
So, welcome to the last part of the series, the one where we put everything together and really experience what we’ve build so far. Sorry for the delay of this post, I had to setup new hardware and to eliminate a few more “errors” within the PHP producer library. At least I think it’s an error, but we will see and correct it in this post. Furthermore, we will create a simple UI5 based web application to show the data, will enhance the look&feel and also create a mobile app for listing the data.
Let’s begin. Where are we? We should have an Apache webserver running in combination with a MySQL server. Inside the MySQL server, a table called “customer” should exist and we should have setup a webservice running at http://localhost/customer_api/Customer.svc. The query /cities should list all cities inside our database.
Now let’s look at the “error” I found. If we consume the service and don’t set any limit in our UI5 table for display, the request will be http://localhost/customer_api/Customer.svc/cities?$skip=0. If we set the property firstVisibleRow to 3, the query parameter $skip will be set to 3. With the last option, we will get results, but if we use $skip=0, an error will be returned. It took me some time to identify the coding line where this validation happens and after I added a little dirty fix, everything went well.
So start by modifying DataSerivceHost.php. The file is located in your customer_api folder. Go to library\ODataProducer\OperationContext.
The function validateQueryParameters has to be modified here so that our requests will work. To do so, go to line 370 and add the following after “$optionValue = current($queryOption)” and before “if (empty($optionName))”:
if($optionName == '$skip' && $optionValue == 0) //Added for skip OData Requests { $optionValue = 1; }
Save and close the file.
The next issue I faced when testing and developing the sample applications for this part was about cross-origin resource sharing (cors in short). This is mainly an issue because of our development environment. Request across different domains aren’t allowed in general and we might not receive any data if we try to do so. Looking at the service, we are using port 80 (Apache’s standard). When we test in Eclipse, we get a port like 54874 where our UI5 app is running. If we use Tomcat with Eclipse for testing, we have 8080. Although we use localhost, everything is seen as a different domain because of the different ports. SAP provides a simple Proxy solution here ( but this didn’t work for me. So for the demo environment, I adjusted my .htaccess like this:
Header set Access-Control-Allow-Origin "*" Header set Access-Control-Allow-Headers "MaxDataServiceVersion, DataServiceVersion"
This allows access from other domains and also header values like the ones used for OData. After those adjustments, we can now start with the development. Start up your eclipse instance, I assume you all have the UI5 development tools installed.
Simple Project
Create a new project via File -> New -> Project
Choose SAP UI5 Application Development and continue:
Let’s use customer_simple as project name here. As library, we choose “sap.ui.commons” as we will create a simple desktop application.
Name your view (I choose mainView) and simply click finish:
At this simple step, we don’t have to touch index.html much. Just add a new library. In the script section of the generated index.html, we have to tell the lib that we want to use a table. So add sap.ui.table here:
That’s it. Let’s start consuming the service. Close index.html and open up your controller file. If you took my naming, this should be mainView.controller.js. I like to follow the MVC approach and try to store much logic inside my controllers and use the views really for building the UI. So uncomment the onInit function at the top and add the following code:
var sServiceUrl = "http://localhost:80/customer_api/Customer.svc"; var oModel = new sap.ui.model.odata.ODataModel(sServiceUrl, false); sap.ui.getCore().setModel(oModel);
It should look like this now:
Here, we declare a serviceUrl pointing to our OData service. Additionally, we create an OData model and set this model for our application.
Let’s go to the main view. Here is where the binding and UI happens. Delete anything within the createContent function. We will add our own content here. We will create two tables. The first will display all countries from our database; the second will display the cities that belong to a chosen country.
Here is the code, I will explain it afterwards:
var oCountryTable = new sap.ui.table.Table({ title: "Countries", width : "100%", selectionMode : sap.ui.table.SelectionMode.Single }); oCountryTable.addColumn(new label: new sap.ui.commons.Label({text: "Country ID"}), template: new sap.ui.commons.TextView().bindProperty("text", "countryID"), sortProperty: "countryID", filterProperty: "countryID", width: "50px" })); oCountryTable.addColumn(new label: new sap.ui.commons.Label({text: "Country Name"}), template: new sap.ui.commons.TextView().bindProperty("text", "country"), sortProperty: "country", filterProperty: "country", width: "200px" })); oCountryTable.bindRows("/countries"); oCountryTable.placeAt("content");
First we create a new table here, give it a title and width and say that we can select single lines. After that we add three columns and assign a label, a template and some other properties. Most important here is the bind option in the template. We bind to the fieldname we have assigned in our service. Remember that the producer build the PHP files depending on the metadata of the database? Here we refer to the fields or our metadata description. After defining the columns we bind the rows of the table to your collection. In out controller, we specified only the service URL ending with Customer.svc. Here we finally bind to the collection, in this case “countries”. And this will result in the above mentioned link like Cusomer.svc/countries?$skip=0. Finally, we place the table in the content div of our index.html.
Let’s create another table, but this time, we don’t bind and place it yet:
var oCityTable = new sap.ui.table.Table({ title: "Cities", width : "100%", selectionMode : sap.ui.table.SelectionMode.None }); oCityTable.addColumn(new label: new sap.ui.commons.Label({text: "City ID"}), template: new sap.ui.commons.TextView().bindProperty("text", "cityID"), sortProperty: "cityID", filterProperty: "cityID", width: "50px" })); oCityTable.addColumn(new label: new sap.ui.commons.Label({text: "City Name"}), template: new sap.ui.commons.TextView().bindProperty("text", "city"), sortProperty: "city", filterProperty: "city", width: "200px" }));
This should be straight forward as it is the same as above. We will now add a rowSelection event that is fired whenever we select a new row. In this event, we build a new query that will run against our service and fetch all the cities depending to a country.
oCountryTable.attachRowSelectionChange(function selectedRowContext = event.getParameter("rowContext"), selectedCityLineItems = selectedRowContext + "/cities"; oCityTable.bindRows(selectedCityLineItems); });
The selected row context will get the current row and the ID of the country. We add /cities as we navigate to a city from the country. The query will look like this: Customer.svc/countries(countryID=1)/cities
So UI5 here creates well-formed correct OData queries and the best, our custom service can understand those queries and return the results.
We bound the newly selected rows above, let’s place it on the screen. To do this, I’ve copied the content div in index.html and named the new one detail:
So that I can use oCityTable.placeAt(“detail”); to show it.
If you run in Eclipse, the following should be seen:
Mobile Demo
The mobile version is almost the same as the simple one. Create a new project and choose sap.m as library this time. After the project is created, we don’t have to add anything to our index.html this time, as we are completely using the mobile libraries. The controller looks completely the same as in the simple example; therefore, I will only present the view here:
My createContent function looks like this:
var oTable = new sap.m.Table({ mode: sap.m.ListMode.None, columns: [ new sap.m.Column({ header : new sap.m.Label({ text : "City ID" }) }), new sap.m.Column({ header : new sap.m.Label({ text : "City" }) })] }); oTable.bindItems("/cities"new cells : [ new sap.m.Text({ text : "{cityID}" }), new sap.m.Text({ text : "{city}" })] })); var oPage = new sap.m.Page("Title"); oPage.addContent(oTable); return oPage;
Mobile is a bit different here. The table has a columns collection, which will only store the description of the columns, like their header. After creating a mobile table, we have to bind the items. In this function, we specify the path, here /cities, and then define a ColumnListItem that represents the cells that are shown. In each cell, we bind an item like in the columns for sap.ui.table.
After binding, we add the table to a page object and return this for display.
I’ve included a more complex example as zipped Eclipse project as an attachment here, if anyone might be interested, just replace txt by zip. This example uses a shell for a better UI and displays all tables in different panes as shown here:
I hope you enjoyed this blog series and have many good ideas on how to combine different technologies and enrich your data with SAP data or vice versa. I’d be glad if you leave me some comments, queries, suggestions or similar things about the series.