I've received several requests about how to use the public Northwind OData service located at the address http://services.odata.org/V3/northwind/northwind.svc with SAP River RDE. I'm going to explain in this post how to do it.
I will go through the following steps:
- Download the metadata file
- Configure the destination
- Create the application
- Change the Component.js file
- Change the neo-app.json file
- Run the application
Let's go!
- First of all you need to download the metadata file from the Northwind service. You can do it by using Chrome and activating the inspector:
- Open Chrome
- Activate the inspector
- Navigate to the link http://services.odata.org/V3/northwind/northwind.svc/$metadata
- Switch back to the inspector, click on the Resources tab, right click on the $metadata file from the Frames --> ($metadata) --> $metadata branch and select Save as...
- Save the file where you want for later use at step 3
- Configure the destination by going to your account.hanatrial.ondemand.com cockpit and creating a new destination in the following way:
- Create a new application in SAP River RDE by using one of the templates which require data connection. In this example we are going to create a SAP Fiori Starter App. In the Data Connection section, click Browse button and select the metadata.xml you saved in step 1 and click on Next. Fill-up the template customization section and finish the rest of the wizard. Now the project is created.
- Change the Component.js file: open the Component.js file, edit it in the following way and save the file.
- Change the neo-app.json file: edit the neo-app.json file by adding the following piece at the beginning of the file just after the opening of the routes section and save the file.
- Finally you can run the application
You have successfully connected your SAP River RDE environment with the Northwind OData service.