I believe most of the web developers today are also focusing towards mobile application development since mobile has turned out to be the widely used device across the world by users.
As we know, most of the developers widely use chrome developer’s tools for debugging as it’s one of the best debugging tool out in the market with its awesome features. Even for mobile web application testing I prefer to choose Chrome Developer tools rather moving out to other emulators or testing tools.
Recently chrome as introduced exciting features for mobile web application testing which has made my life easier for testing mobile web application and I hope it helps you out also in speeding up your development.
Getting Started:
- > Open the Chrome Developer Tools (Press F12 - Windows) and go ahead and click on the settings icon on the right bottom corner
- > Choose the overrides tab option from the settings view
User Agent - Testing Various Device Resolutions:
- > Choosing the respective device user agent adjusts the screen resolution according to its device resolution.
Custom Metrics – Custom Resolution:
- > You can go ahead and choose your desired screen resolution for testing.
Override Geolocation:
- > Emulate geolocation position by providing the latitude and longitude values.
Override Device Orientation:
- > It's really been difficult for developers to test mobile device orientation via browser its now pretty easier by setting the alpha, beta and omega value to adjust accordingly to respective device orientation.
Emulate Touch Events:
- > We can emulate touch events on your browser rather going to device for testing or mocking events in browser is no longer required. (SAPUI5 mocks via data attribute on the src tag which would no longer be required )
Final Words:
Its indeed necessary for the developer to be aware of this feature use it wisely in the development to speed up. Chrome also has fantastic features on its experiment mode go ahead and explore it.