What does the latest Apple news have to do with SAP Fiori and SAPUI5? Read on to learn more.
For the past month or so, openSAP has been running a free online course called Introduction to SAP Fiori UX and is trying something new: an optional design challenge open to anyone interested (participation in the main course is not required). It is called the SAP Fiori UX Design challenge, and here's how it works:
There are two short videos (available via the course page) which specifically cover the topic of SAP Fiori UX Design. You'll learn how and why SAP Fiori was created in the first place and then also be given some guidance on how you can apply the same design approach SAP used internally to create a mockup of your own Fiori-like app.
You pick any SAP scenario you are interested in that involves SAP transactions (for example, scenarios involving submitting, managing, or viewing approvals, leave requests, or sales orders), and then submit your own idea showing how you think SAP Fiori UX could make this scenario a more delightful and simple experience.
No previous design experience is required and anyone can participate. Your submission is really about telling a short story in whatever format and style works best for you. You'll also have access to additional resources, such as the SAP Fiori Design Best Practices Guide (taken from the SAP Fiori Design rapid-deployment solution) and the SAP Fiori UX Prototyping Kit.
All entries must be submitted by Monday, October 20, and although participation in the main Introduction to SAP Fiori UX course itself could be helpful, it is not required. Meaning, anyone can get started even today, watch these two short videos, and submit an entry by the deadline next week.
And the top three submissions will each win a free iPad Air. Scratch that, after Apple's announcement today, we've decided, why not make it a brand new iPad Air 2? So the top three submissions will each win a free iPad Air 2!
For more details, check out the challenge introduction page (requires free openSAP account) as well as the FAQ. As always, feel free to ask questions or comment below. We know many of you have seen a user interface and thought, “I could design something much better than that.” And now's your chance to show the world your skills. We are looking forward to seeing what you come up with.
Best of luck!
(Standard disclaimer: If Apple runs out of iPad Air 2's after selling however many bazillions in the next couple weeks, there may be a delay in winners receiving their new iPad Air 2. But we'll work to get winners their iPad Air 2's soon after said winners are determined.)