While develop our SAP UI5 application by using SAP as a backend server definitely we need to focus on this SSO Cookies .
What is SSO?
1. SSO Stands for SINGLE SIGN ON
2. User Enters his application by using his correct credentials, At this time Mobile/Desktop Browser will catch https Catch data and stores that catch information in local memory.
When user logoff his application and he tries to enter his application once again with wrong credentials. SSO Cookies will take that old credentials information to enter application.
This make big problem in development.
For Mobile/ Tablet:
1. Need to clear catches and Data
2. CallNativePlugin ( create one src file to do this actions )
Refer: Extending PhoneGap with native plugins for Android | Adobe Developer Connection
3. Window.location.reload()
1. It loads our android project once again and it is useful to delete our catch memories
Refer: Location reload() Method
For Desktop Application:
1. Create one New BSP Application to MASK SSO Cookies.
Refer: SAPUI5 & BSP?
Karthik A