A lot of customers are still using BSP (Business Server Pages) Applications and lots of them are written with BSP Extensions. With BSP Extensions you don't have to take care about Browser dependent programming or different layout options. The offered BSP Extensions from SAP take care about this. Here an easy "Hello World" page written with BSP Extensions:
The result of this code is:
In this example the Extension library "htmlb" is used. If a BSP Extension is able to generate HTML code, why not SAPUI5 HTML code? And the great thing is, that the Extensions are open to develop own Extensions...
This seems to be a great opportunity!
I made a test and created a new BSP-Extension "zui5" and implemented the elements from the example above. I used SAPUI5 Declarative Programming for this.
With this new Extension only one line has to be changed.
And the result is a SAPUI5 page, at least it looks like a SAPUI5 page:
OK, you are right, this page is not that impressive, but is shows that the idea works.
The idea is to have a SAPUI5 BSP Extension that can change the layout of every BSP Application written with BSP Extensions only by changing one line.
I know, this does not make a real SAPUI5 Application out of the already existing Applications. Things like JSON Data access and lots of others possibility are not taking into account. I don't see this as a new environment for developing new SAPUI5 applications. But if such an Extension give the opportunity to change the layout of already existing Applications, this could be great.
I will implement more elements and do more test and let you know the result of this. Meanwhile I would love to get your feedback for this approach.