Hi ,
through this post i would like to share how to create a simple report(like crystal/xcelcius) through SAP UI5 using javascript
Scenario : Build a report including a chart and detailed data(which is used to populate the chart)
Step 1 : Create a dataURL of the div
We know in sap ui5 we can create element with id which is registered into framework . We can call them by using sap.ui.getCore().byId() or using document.getElementById() which will return the respective div element .
Now we will try to create a html canvas from a div (this will give additional control). In my case i have used html2canvas js library .
html2canvas([document.getElementById('id')], { //id is the charts id say
onrendered: function (canvas) { //once the div is rendered then only process
var imageData = canvas.toDataURL();
this(imageData ) will give me the div element's image in dataURL format which will be used to push the image into a document(say pdf).
Step 2 : Create a pdf using the third Party tools (jsPDF) to create PDF .
Now you can push whatever you want into the PDF .
Example : -
var doc = new jsPDF();
doc.setFont("times", "italic") ;
doc.rect(5, 5, 200, 280) ;
doc.setTextColor(0,175,200) ;
doc.text(90, 15, 'Demo');
doc.setTextColor(0,0,0) ;
doc.setFontSize(10) ;
doc.text(10, 25, 'Demo report');
doc.addImage(imageData, 'PNG', 25, 75, 150, 80);
You can also add tables and populate data into it (everything in js)
please refer : - JsDoc Reference - jsPDF for jsPDF syntax
by this this time you will have a PDF created you need to download . So you can add a button and attach the following code in the controller
downlaod :
var file = 'demo';
doc.save(file + '.pdf');
This will download the PDF file with an image and few texts.