In the last post I've shown you how you can create a new Fiori Starter Application based on the Sales Order Tracking service provided by the SAP Gateway system. And how you can enhance the detail view by using the Layout Editor.
In this part I will show you how you can run the app with mock data and how you can deploy the application to SAP HANA Cloud.
Run the application with mock data
You may close open tabs and select the file index.html of the application. Run the app with mock data this time. (Run> Run with Mock Data)
Check that data has been generated (sometimes it needs a little bit time!)
To have more meaningful data we can create a JSON file with predefined data. Go back to your project view and expand the folder model.
Select the file metadata.xml the was generated while defining the OData Service connection previously. Righ-click the file and select Edit Mock Data
The popup window Edit Mock Data is displayed. Select the entity set SalesOrders as this is the data we are displaying in our app.
You could enter your data row by row. To simplify this task we will let SAP Web IDE generate random data for us. Click on Generate Random Data
You can overwrite some data fields. Just click in the text field and write your data. In our example, we have replaced the SALESORDERNUMBER in the first two by 12345 and 56789 respectively.
When you are finished replacing the data, press OK.
Check that the file SalesOrder.json has been generated in the model folder and check the file content.
Now we need to tell the system that it should use the JSON file when running the app with mock data. The configuration is done in the project settings.
Right-click the project main folder and select Project Settings
Select Mock Data. In the Mock Data Source section select JSON files. Then click Save
Acknowledge the information that the project settings have been saved by pressing OK
You may close the project settings pane by pressing Close. You may also close the SalesOrder.json file
Select the index.html file and run the application again (Run> Run with Mock Data)
Check that the data from the json file is displayed
Deploy the application to the cloud
Right-click your main project name and select Deploy and then Deploy to SAP HANA Cloud
Provide your password (that is your SCN password). Then press Deploy.
(If you don't know your SCN password, here you can reset it.)
Upon success, press OK
Logon to your SAP HANA Cloud Platform Cockpit account and select the content HTML5 Applications.
Check that your new application is listed. Click on your application name.
Notice that your application is deployed but not yet activated. In the next steps, we will activate the application in the Cockpit.
For this we need first to create a version of the last commit. Select under Content: Development and then click on the icon Create Version of the last committed line (that will be at the top of the list).
Define a new version number, e.g. 1.0, then press Add
Check that the version number has been assigned.
Now we need to activate that version. Select under Content: Version Management, then press on the activate icon of your defined version.
Confirm that you want to start your application by pressing Yes
Check that the application is activated, you should see a check in “is Active”. Now we want to launch the application by clicking on the link provided.
Provide your credentials of the OData Service.
You should see your app running. DONE!
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