Hi all,
Web performance is critical in today’s world. There are 3 main factors that influence it- network latency, java script execution time and pixels rendering on the screen (the last two depend on the computing power of the client device). Common approach to fight against network latency, especially in scenarios with clients distributed across the globe, is to use a Content Delivery Network (CDN) solution. We, the SAPUI5 team, have chosen Akamai, a leading CDN vendor with more than 200,000 servers in 2,000 data centers. Akamai serves significant part of the internet traffic. It is already well adopted in SAP and used for business critical solutions like Service Marketplace, SCN and HANA Cloud Platform.
Since Mar-17, SAPUI5 running on HANA Cloud Platform (https://sapui5.hana.ondemand.com/) is delivered via Akamai. Instead of fetching the SAPUI5 runtime, SDK and documentation from HANA Cloud Platform landscapes, the end user will now retrieve them from the closest to him Akamai server. That significantly improves the performance and the end user experience, especially for more distant locations from the existing data centers. The dynamic content and the first requests before Akamai cache is filled are still served by the HANA Cloud Platform. Benefiting from the synergy between HANA Cloud Platform multiple data centers and Akamai route-optimization capabilities those requests are routed to the closest location- either Germany, Australia or USA. The original SAPUI5 application running on HANA Cloud Platform is still accessible directly via the subdomain “eu1”, “us1” and “ap1”, like “sapui5.eu1.hana.ondemand.com”. OpenUI5, our open source version under Apache license, is as welldelivered via Akamai
To get performance benefit from Akamai the applications should refer SAPUI5 libraries from the cloud instead of bundling them as part of the application.As a next step we plan SAPUI5 multi-version support. It would be then fully up to the application to switch to a newer SAPUI5 version, referring it directly from the cloud.
SAPUI5 team