Guys are you all ready to dive in to this River :-) (now called as SAPWebIDE – next generation development environment for Fiori Apps). In this blog, I will explain you on getting started with SAP WebIDE Local installation.
First of all “SAP WebIDE” , What is it? SAP WebIDE – browser based development environment which enables development of sapui5/fiori apps, extending fiori apps, build & deployment of hybrid applications.
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SAP WebIDE 1.0 a trial version was originally released first in SAPPHIRE as SAP River IDE with HANA Cloud Platform and 1.4 was released on October 2014 also with the local installation version made available globally in the name of SAP WebIDE. The latest version of SAPWebIDE is 1.9 and the current version available on the SCN for local installation is 1.8.
Let’s download the trial version from the SAP store.
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Here are the list of prerequisites, follow the links to get the same and get it installed in your local machine.
- Java run-time 7 (at least version 1.7), use the command line statement “java –version” to check your version.
- Orion Application server 5.0
- p2 director
- Git 2.3.6
- node.js v0.12.2
- Bower 1.4.1
Prerequisites for the installation of hybrid application toolkit plugin.
- Apache ant 1.9
- Android SDK 24
- Cordova 3.6.3
- SMP SDK (optional - unless you plan to leverage the features of SMP in your app)
After installing all of these, let’s maintain the below environment variables (subject to your actual software installation location)
Go to Control Panel->System->Advanced system settings->Environment variables
- JAVA_HOME = C:\program files\java\jdk1.7.0_60
- ANT_HOME = C:\apache-ant-1.9.4
- KAPSEL_HOME = C:\SAPWebIDE\SMP3SDKInstaller_3_7_1_win\modules\KapselSDK\KapselSDK
Now follow the below steps from your command line interface
cd \ mkdir SAPWebIDE cd SAPWebIDE
Unzip the orion application server to c:\SAPWebIDE
Unzip p2 director to c:\SAPWebIDE
Unzip SAP_Web_IDE_Local_Inst (which includes files for the SAP Web IDE - & Hybrid App Toolkit – SAP_HAT_Local) to c:\SAPWebIDE
Follow the commands in you command line interface
cd /d c:\SAPWebIDE\director director –repository jar:file:/c:/SAPWebIDE/SAP_Web_IDE_Local_Inst/!/ -installIU –destinatin c:\SAPWebIDE\eclipse
I guess most of you would have already tired, anyway let’s not delay anymore. GET STARTED!!!
Navigate to C:\SAPWebIDE\eclipse and double-click on the orion application
It will open the command line interface like this
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Now open your chrome and launch the SAP Web IDE through http://localhost:8080/webide/index.html
Once you start the orion application server for the first time, you have to create a new account for it, then you can login to SAP Web IDE, HERE YOU GO!!
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Yet one more last step is pending, which is installing the hybrid application toolkit plugin.
Navigate to the folder C:\SAPWebIDE\SAP_Web_IDE_Local_Inst \SAP_HAT_local-1.2.5
Click on the setup (windows command script), which will launch your default-browser for the prerequisites validation.
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Check all your prerequisites, installation cannot be completed with any error over here. During installing your hybrid application toolkit enter your sapwebide url as http://localhost:8080/webide/index.html and remember the password you give for the certificate, which you need to enter at the later stage.
Once you are done with the installation, navigate to the folder C:\SAPWebIDE\SAP_Web_IDE_Local_Inst \SAP_HAT_local-1.2.5 and click on the run (windows command script), which will launch the command line interface like this
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You need to enter the password which you had given for the certificate. Now let’s check the hybrid application toolkit connection from SAP WebIDE.
Launch your preferences in SAP WebIDE and go to Hybrid Application Toolkit , make sure the same port number is maintained as you can see in both the screenshots here and click on the test connection. You can see the response as Connection is up. Your Hybrid App Toolkit version is V1.2.5.
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That's it. Your environment is ready for you to develop applications. HOLAAA!!!
Thank you!
Rottwei (Kishore Kumar)
Technology Consultant/ UI Expert