Guys are you all ready to dive in to this River (now called as SAPWebIDE – next generation development environment for Fiori Apps).
First of all “SAP WebIDE” , What is it? SAP WebIDE – browser based development environment which enables development of sapui5/fiori apps, extending fiori apps, build & deployment of hybrid applications.
SAP WebIDE 1.0 a trial version was originally released first in SAPPHIRE as SAP River IDE with HANA Cloud Platform and 1.4 was released on October 2014 also with the local installation version made available globally in the name of SAP WebIDE. The latest version of SAPWebIDE is 1.9 and the current version available on the SCN for local installation is 1.8.
As part of this blog series, I will take you deep dive into SAPWebIDE (cloud & local) with various topics as mentioned below. Stay tuned for more topics.
Thank you!
Rottwei (Kishore Kumar)
Technology Consultant/ UI Expert