In order to install SAP UI5 in HANA studio 1.60, you need to install it first.
To do this, go to Help -> Install New Software
In the new screen, select the "Available Software Sites".
Add this two entries and press Ok:
In the Work with, select "SAP Development Tools for Eclipse Juno".
Select UI Development Toolkit for HTML5 -> UI development toolkit for HTML5 (Developer Edition)
After that, the installation should be like just another software installation.
To run the "Hola, mundo" example:
Right click over the Project Explorer view and select New -> Project. In the New Project wizard, select SAPUI5 Application Development.
Complete the wizard.
When everything has completed. And just for now, modify the index.html file, just like in the image.
To view the changes, we need to Preview it. Right click on the index.html file, select Run As -> Web App Preview.
You will have a preview and a URL. You can paste that URL in a browser and view it there.