This blog tells you about various types of controls available in SAP UI5.
Complex Controls
Dialog Controls
Layout Controls
Simple Controls
UX3 Controls
Value holders
Complex controls
It contains controls that generally allow embedding other controls, are highly flexible regarding content display, and allow to mix various design aspects to gain rich user interfaces.
- Accordion
- Application Header
- Carousel
- ColorPicker
- Data table
- Date Range Slider
- Inbox
- Menu
- MenuBar
- Menu Button
- Message Bar
- Note Taker
- Paginator
- Progress Indicator
- Road map
- Row reoeater
- Segmented Button
- Split Button
- Table
- Toolbar
- Tree
- TreeTable
- VIZCharts
Dialog Control
The Dialog control usually would be used with a standard approach where the MessageBox is kind of pre-configured since it already provides typical message types. There are two various flavors of dialog controls.
- Dialog
- MessageBox
Layout Control
The feature set that is available with the Layout controls varies from basically designing a screen area or a page by using a divider, to providing complex layouts such as MatrixLayout or AbsoluteLayout, etc.
- Absolute Layout
- Border Layout
- Form
- Grid Layout
- Horizontal divider
- Horizontal layout
- Matrix layout
- Panel
- Responsive flow layout
- Splitter
- Tabstrip
- Vertical layout
Others Controls
You find information on the RichTooltip control which is available for many controls and by this category-independent.
- Callout
- Richtooptip
Simple Controls
Controls like Label, Button, Link, and TextView, etx, are some of the basic controls since they are required and used for nearly any application design.
- Button
- FormattedText view
- Image
- Imagemap
- Label
- Link
- Scrollbar
- Textview
- Togglebutton
- Collection Inspector
- Dataset
- Exactbrowser
- Facefilter
- Navigationbar
- Notification bar
- Overlaycontainer
- Popuppositioning
- Quickview
- Shell
- ThinkInspector
- Toolpopup
Value Holders
It contains the controls that offer value lists such as ComboBox, ListBox, or DropdownBox as well as controls where the user can make interactive choices on data selection like CheckBox or RadioButtonGroup, for example.
- Autocomplete
- Checkbox
- Combobox
- Datepicker
- Daterangescroller
- Dropdownbox
- Fileuploader
- Inplaceedit
- Listbox
- Passwordfield
- Radiobutton
- Radiobutton group
- Rangeslider
- Rating indicator
- Search Field
- Slider
- TextArea
- Tristatecheckbox
- Valuehelpfield