Last year, we have successfully launched our new online hands-on training material with the Walkthrough Tutorial for UI5 beginners and refreshers. It was a great success: We got very positive feedback, implemented lots of minor changes to make it even better and improved it with new steps.
In parallel we started working on a more complex Learning Path to conquer and master UI5 with more advanced tutorial topics. We stick to the same format: a mixture of hands on coding and explanations with small incremental steps based on our best practices and recommendations.
As of now 9 tutorials are available to deepen your knowledge in other areas of UI5:
- Hello World
- Walkthrough
- Navigation and Routing
- Data Binding
- Testing
- Mock Server
- Worklist App
- Smart Controls
- 3D Viewer
This learning path gives you an idea of how they all fit together:
As usual, you find the documentation and code deltas in the Developer Guide and the running examples in the Explored App. You can download the code for each step as a zip file and import it in SAP Web IDE or other development environments as you wish.
Tell us how you like the new tutorial topics and what we can further improve. There is now also a new feedback option included in the Demo Kit (icon below the search icon on the left side).
Have fun doing the tutorials and becoming a UI5 expert!
UI5 Development Team