SAP_UI 750 on top of SAP NW 7.40
I had to upgrade my current SAP_UI which was on 740 to SAP_UI 750.
The reason I had to upgrade is because of the HR Renewal 2.0.
From the note 1976498 - HRSP Information for HR Renewal 2.0, SAP suggested that the UI dependencies changes with HRSP 28 from SAP_UI 740 to SAP_UI 750.
See note 2217489 Maintenance and Upgrade Strategy for UI Add-On and User Interface Technology.
So here is the simple upgrade process of the SAP_UI.
From the MOPZ, It is visible from OS/DB Dependent files:
Download the XML file
Use SAINT to perform the Upgrade.
Hope this help, the catch is SAP suggested that the UI dependencies changes with HRSP 28 from SAP_UI 740 to SAP_UI 750. so if you are on SP 28, some functionalities that UI services may not work the way they should, so the upgrade is suggested.