Starting with Test Driven Development in JavaScript
Are you scared of making changes to our code? Do you spent a lot of time debugging or maintaining your code? Are you new to JavaScript and do not know the language’s many pitfalls? Do you fear cross...
View ArticleSetup for Local Testing in Eclipse
Wouldn't it be nice to get instant feedback if your application still works after each change? Having the correct setup of your development environment, this can be easily achieved. With local testing,...
View ArticleWhat is OpenUI5 / SAPUI5 ?
A basic overview for anyone who has not heard of OpenUI5 / SAPUI5 before Intro So now this JavaScript library named "OpenUI5" (the Open-Source-licensed version of SAPUI5) has left its SAP niche and...
View ArticleItem index in aggregation template
We would like to have the index of aggregated element in the template generation. There are a lot of reasons someone needs the index of the aggregation item.Display the sequence of the itemDisplay a...
View ArticleEngineering in JavaScript
Having talked to many developers, we found out that there is a huge demand for topics around engineering of SAPUI5 applications. The dynamic nature of JavaScript make the language very powerful, but it...
View ArticleUsing XML Schemas when working with UI5 XML Views
There has been much Twitter discussion in recent time about using XML Views when building UI5 apps. Having experienced }})}]]})))])); hell using JS Views myself I was keen to try this approach - it...
View ArticleExcel -like custom grid control in SAPUI5 #OpenUI5
In this blog I want to share my experience about how to create a custom #SAPUI5 control extending sap.ui.core.HTML standard control.My goal is to create a new control to display an 'Excel-like data...
View ArticleUnit versus Integration-Tests in JavaScript
The main focus of unit tests is to focus on small units in isolation. But only focusing on the small units does not touch all the code. So this blog post clarifies the difference between unit and...
View ArticleSpeed Up Mobile / OData Development with AppBuilder
Whilst patiently waiting for SAP to deliver the highly anticipated AppDesigner for RAPID SAP UI5 development, SAP have released and pimped Mobile Development Tool which appears to be a sideways...
View ArticleHiding the SAP UI5 file uploader behind an icon
WhyIn one of our cloud portal admin pages I was asked to add a file upload option.The request was to display a small icon which will trigger the browser file upload dialog.Since the page is all built...
View ArticleHow to improve the testability of a SAPUI5 app
How can I get a better testability of an SAPUI5 application? The essential precondition for efficient unit testing, a more adaptable application and better code is to master the handling of...
View ArticleFast SAPUI5 Develop tool
When we develop Fiori application ( other SAPUI5 development also similar), we meet following challenges:We need write View using XML format but without good tool, it is boring and easy make mistake...
View ArticleOpenUI5 or AngularJS? How about both?
SAPUI5 has just been open sourced as OpenUI5 and provides a lot of features. AngularJS is a great javascript library that can also add a lot of power to your application.Let's compare some of the...
View ArticleHow to test against SAPUI5 views in a non-fragile way
A common issue of many UI tests is their fragility. The tests have often to be changed when the underlying structure of the UI has changed. So, how can we get rid of this fragility? We need a more...
View ArticleAsynchronous load of SAPUI5
Inspired by following blogs/posts:Why I want my Fiori to run like a FerrariSAPUI5 Mobile Splash ScreenSAPUI5 Content Compression With a SAPUI5 mobile working via 3G you may need to wait up to a couple...
View ArticleThis is why I like #openUI5!
Last week at SAP TechEd Bangalore, SAP made a great step forward for the embracement of the Open Source development: OPENUI5 was released; Andreas Kunz wrote a very detailed blog What is OpenUI5 /...
View ArticleHow to replace an ODataModel by a JSON Model
For local testing and unit testing, it is essential to replace an ODataModel by a JSON model. The semantics of these two models is quite different. For testing, the following differences are relevant....
View ArticleExport sap.ui.table.Table as CSV
Hi all!, This is an example to create a link to download a sap.ui.table.Table to CSV at client side (JS, supported by HTML5 browsers). The next JS code, extracts header and content from table...
View ArticleTalk: JavaScript - Programming Style & Your Brain by Douglas Crockford
Be a better Programmer This keynote talk from YUIConf 2011 is one of my favorites! Yahoo! JavaScript architect Douglas Crockford explains why good code style is important for every programmer. He shows...
View ArticleUI5 SDK on Node.js
I recently had to rebuild my laptop and one of the first things I did was to install Node.js and have it statically serve my UI5 SDKs, I thought I would share how easy it is to setup. "Node.js is a...
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