CSS and Javascript are in github. Once again, this illustrates the power of OpenUI5 where we are created control with a few lines of code.
Here is an example of how they are created.
jQuery(function() { jQuery.sap.registerModulePath('sap.dennisseah', 'https://rawgithub.com/dennisseah/openui5/master/controls/sap/dennisseah'); jQuery.sap.require('sap.dennisseah.IconNumIndicator'); var ctrl = new sap.m.HBox({ width: '500px', items: [ new sap.dennisseah.IconNumIndicator({ src: 'sap-icon://email', value: 10 }), new sap.dennisseah.IconNumIndicator({ src: 'sap-icon://task' }), new sap.dennisseah.IconNumIndicator({ src: 'sap-icon://inbox', value: 15 }), new sap.dennisseah.IconNumIndicator({ src: 'sap-icon://action', value: 2 }), new sap.dennisseah.IconNumIndicator({ src: 'sap-icon://marketing-campaign', value: 4 }) ] }); ctrl.placeAt('content'); });