There is a lot of talk these days about a new trend in web development called “Offline First”. We are just getting comfortable with redesigning our enterprise application screens according to the “Mobile First” design pattern, and it is now time to design and build our applications offline-first.
I have in the last few years discouraged customers from offline scenarios and claimed that offline should only be implemented where absolutely necessary and often as an emergency backup solution. Much in the same way as you would see at a point of sales in a store – you manage basic operations such as backup credit card handling to be able to sell your merchandise in the event of connectivity loss.
We used to think that the connectivity issue would be solved quickly and that the world would soon have global online coverage. Unfortunately that was wishful thinking and it looks like we will have to live with unreliable networking for some time still.
This new paradigm will help create applications that are always usable with a new way to design your applications.
We at Neptune have created a new easy to use offline functionality for SAPUI5 to meet this new challenge and you can watch this recorded webinar where Ole-André Haugen creates an offline sales order application in just 40 minutes
Also you can read about the technical solution in this blog.
No more data roaming for your traveling expense app!