Google Maps library for UI5
There are a number of map providers available to use with UI5, none of them seemed to me to be as simple to use as Google Maps, so I wrote a library. Getting StartedGoto OpenUI5 Googlemaps Library...
View ArticleConsuming Web service in SAPUI5
This is a useful blog for beginners in ui5. This shows an example to consume the webservice in ui5 application. There are different ways in which this can be achieved. I have shown 2 methods in this...
View ArticleOnline and Offline capability in HTML5
Hi, Here we comes to know how to store data into HTML5 local database. HTML5 introduced Local storage concepts. The Main use for this concept was offline capabilities and local persisted storage...
View ArticleInherit Third Party Library into SAPUI5
Hi, Here i will explain about how to insert third party library to SAPUI5 and how to use that library file. Tables in SAPUI5 : sap.ui.table.Table [ Here we cant able to use nested tables ] Nested...
View ArticleCreate Component-preload.js using Gulp
Before I begin with the topic I would like to give a brief introduction about Gulp.Gulp.js is a open source JavaScript Task Runner. You can easily automate task likeminification, compilation, unit...
View ArticleUsing Camera as Barcode scanner on your mobile device in SAPUI5 app
One question that I get very often form my customers is: "How can I use all this mobile device functions like camera, GPS and all the other stuff in a Web Application?". As you might know the browser...
View ArticleUpload Image to SAP Gateway and Display Image in UI5 - Using New Fileuploader...
I have prepared oData service that can handle uploading and downloading files using SAP gateway in blog post Uploading Files to SAP GW, Downloading Files from SAP GW - New Techniques. Based on this...
View ArticleSAPUI5: Numbers only textfield & Currency Textfields
Introduction In many cases when we develop web pages for business purposes, we may need to limit the text field numeric only(age,phone numbers etc). Same way, customers need the currency to be...
View ArticleIntegrate OpenUI5 and Google App Engine on Python runtime
I am playing a little bit with Google App Engine (GAE) and as first thing I tried to integrate OpenUI5 in a demo app. My app is just showing a list of projects and let the user to create a new...
View ArticleVideo: Create a responsive UI5 Order Search application in 40 minutes with...
Recently we (Neptune) held a getting started webinar on how to create a fully functional Sales Order Search application based on UI5 using the Neptune Application Designer. The coding (minus the...
View ArticleOffline First - the new paradigm in web development done Neptune style
There is a lot of talk these days about a new trend in web development called “Offline First”. We are just getting comfortable with redesigning our enterprise application screens according to the...
View ArticleWhat can grunt do for your UI5 project?
In case you want to know if grunt can add value to SAPUI5/OpenUI5 projects, this blog may be of interest to you. To understand what grunt can do for your UI5 project, let`s take the POS app from the...
View ArticleDesign Thinking - My Learning from SAP DT Workshop
Couple of weeks back I got a chance to attend SAP workshop on Design thinking(DT) in Bangalore, India. I was floored by the DT mindset and the power it brings along for Innovation , providing...
View ArticleJust 1 way of developing UI5 apps with localhost against Gateway services (&...
Decisions, decisions...If you're starting out in SAP Enterprise UI5/Gateway development, you are going to find there are more than a thousand different ways of achieving the outcome. There's editors,...
View ArticleSimple Notifications for UI5
Enhance your Control-Lib!IntroUsage Enhance your Control-Lib! Intro Today i want to show you a new custom control for UI5-applications. I let myself inspired by codrops once again (see Notification...
View ArticleUI5 Components and Extensibility Starters
While working on Fiori application I was very impressed with the extensibility provided by the standard applicationView ExtensionsView ReplacementsView ModificationsControl Extensions I tried to go...
View ArticleFun = Agile + SAPUI5; //Part 2
This blog is a follow up on my previous blog, where I introduced the project scope, approach, etc. I think this blog makes more sense after reading the previous one. As mentioned, the most exciting...
View ArticleGetting a Local Copy (hack) of SAPUI5 on your Laptop for Performance/Offline...
SAPUI5 Resources for the Rest of UsNow while for those who live in countries next to HANA data centres with WiFi access on planes, trains and automobiles; this may not be an issue; or alternatively, if...
View ArticleSAPUI5 WebSocket Chat with WhatsApp
Intro I would like to show you how to create a WebSocket chat application to send and receive a WhatsApp message from the SAPUI5 web browser with the open source Yowsup. How it works? Firstly, client...
View ArticleSet Location on Google Map, just by providing an Address - UI5 Custom Control
Hii This is a simple custom control that creates a Google Map and sets the location based on the address provided ! The control can be instantiated in a simpler way just like this, var oMap = new...
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