This blog will take you through the steps of using odata batch processing. There are multiple scenarios where we might need batch processing, such as making a single call to insert/update/delete...
View ArticleOData is RESTful, what is REST ?
Introduction : SAP documentation refers that OData is RESTful but does not explain well what REST is ? The blog below is a compilation from other sources and throws some light on what is REST and...
View ArticleUsing Geo Heatmaps with SAP UI5
Lately I wrote this article about maps in UI5 Using Geo Maps with SAP UI5 .In here I focused on how we can visualize data by coloring certain areas like districts or countries. Sometimes however you...
View ArticleSome Best Practices derived from the SAP Fiori Templates in SAP Web IDE
Some Best Practices derived from the SAP Fiori Templates in SAP Web IDE. In 2015, the attentive observer will have witnessed an evolution of static demo applications in the demokit into real SAP Fiori...
View ArticleFiori launchpad security - Which SHA certificate am I using ?
Well, this is my first blog. I will explain two concepts here. End of support for the SHA-1 algorithm used within online certificates (Most Fiori launchpad uses this certificate)New Security tab in...
View ArticleNew Version of SAP Web IDE Released for Local Installation
The version of SAP Web IDE Local Installation has been updated to SAP Web IDE 1602 (based on the January release of SAP Web IDE on HANA Cloud Platform).The local installation version allows you to...
View ArticleMaster/Detail Kapsel Offline Application
PrerequisitesMake sure you have an OData service which supports CRUD operations and the service has been configured as HCP destination to access it from SAP Web IDE.Make sure you have setup Hybrid App...
View ArticleManifest Routing in SAP Web IDE
In this blog I will use the ES4 system which is publicly available. If you do not have an account on the system see Sign up and get started with the SAP Gateway - Demo Consumption System If you are...
View ArticleUI5 ValueHelpDialog Helper / Wrapper object
Introduction UI5 has a lot of components that you can use with great out-of-the-box features. With only a few lines of coding you can use these UI5 components. But some more advanced UI5 components...
View ArticleCreating hierarchical data using Content-ID Referencing in a Change Set...
There is a limitation in OData specifications that does not allow deep inserts 1:N for Offline applications. However, you can use Content-ID referencing in a Change Set (batch request) to overcome...
View ArticleHow to create a Fiori Overview Page leveraging an on premise OData service...
In my previous blog How to make your OData entities work with the Fiori Overview Page and Cards leveraging the new SAP Web IDE annotation modeler I described the basic steps to create a Fiori Overview...
View ArticleOpenUI5 boilerplate based on OLingo, JPA and Spring Boot
It happens quite often that you quickly want to get something running with OpenUI5 and OData, quickly smack it on a web-server or cloud instance, but just don't look forward building the project...
View ArticleThe Software Craftsmanship movement...accountabilty or elitism ?
I recently "attended" the virtual hack.summit() conference ( It was actually pretty amazing assortment of speakers from all backgrounds (from the co-founder of...
View ArticleTroubleshooting Deployment to an ABAP System from SAP Web IDE
Introduction SAP Web IDE offers the ability to deploy applications into your ABAP system as a new app or as an update to an existing one.All you have to do it to right-click your app and choose Deploy...
View ArticleUse Chrome development Tool to compare Rendering performance between SAPUI5...
Comparison environment setupThe UI5 implementationThe React implementationUse Chrome timeline to measure performanceUI5 application resultReact application resultThe pixel pipelineFurther readingI have...
View ArticleRouting Source Code
Hi Friends,To switch between different pages we usea)Navigationb)RoutingHow ever Navigation is Simple, but coming to Routing it is bit tricky if you are a newbie to UI5, because it consists of...
View ArticleSAPUI5 Table Navigation with Tab Key
Hi guys,I guess it's no secret that the table handling in editable tables is not the best in SAPUI5.Especially the keyboard navigation is, in my opinion, unnecessarily complicated (press tab to jump...
View ArticleBinding data from Odata function Import in SAPUI5 XML Views
Hi all, Recently I had an requirement, wherein, I had to bind the data from my function imports in odata services to my controls in XML view.However, most of the solutions i found had achieved the same...
View ArticleDebug UI5 apps on Chrome for Android (USB Debugging)
Chrome for desktop has emulator. So why debugging on device is required?During a recent regression test cycle, a problem was reported in one of our UI5 app - an Input field not working as expected on...
View ArticleConcurrency Control using ETags in a SAPUI5 application
Dear UI5 Developers,in a SAPUI5 application concurrent editing of resources leads to a lost update problem. This means when two users edit the same resource at the same time one of the users will lose...
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