FIORI: Setting up Eclipse Luna when SAP Web IDE on HCP and on-premise cannot...
OS: Windows 7 ProfessionalSystem Type: 32-bit operating system Restrictions: 1. Cannot use SAP Web IDE on HANA Cloud Platform due to a highly secured network. Cloud technology or connection to internet...
View Articlesap.m.Table - Conditional Cell Coloring based on value
Hello All, Introduction: The blog Coloring Table Cells Conditionally in SAP UI5 clearly explains you how to color the cells of a table(sap.ui.table.Table) precisely and with neat explanation. But in...
View ArticleUI5 offline application using AppCache and LocalStorage
This project demonstrates how to develop an offline enabled OpenUI5 stock application using the AppCache API and LocalStorage. The app is stored inside the browser and does not need a native shell to...
View ArticleAuto Language Conversion : Google Translate + UI5
Its really awesome when it comes to the possibilities that SAP UI5 offers.SAP UI5 has the capability to provide translatable texts SAPUI5 SDK - Demo Kit . But the problem is you have to maintain the...
View ArticleHow to create UI5 application for success factor in HCP webIde
Hi, I created SAPUI5 application in HCP(us1 account, HCP having sucessfactor) webIde and i given some control's in the view like button and labelbut when i run my application its not showing any thing...
View ArticleCreating hierarchical data using Content-ID Referencing in a Change Set...
There is a limitation in OData specifications that does not allow deep inserts 1:N for Offline applications. However, you can use Content-ID referencing in a Change Set (batch request) to overcome...
View ArticleFurther tweaking of JetBrains WebStorm for UI5 development
While self-studying UI5 development I tried both Eclipse and SAP Web IDE and I must admit neither worked for me as I expected. Not that I would list exact points of each I was completely dissatisfied...
View ArticleHybrid app development & debugging with Netbeans, OpenUI5 and Chrome
Recently i read the interesting blog of Florian Pfeffer about developing an hybrid application with the Thym plugin for Eclipse. That plugin is very helpful and as a result i got interested in IDE for...
View Articlesap.m.SearchField.ShowRefreshButton property
Guru's, we are @ SAPUI5 (1.28.29) SAP_UI 7.40 SP14 and running a SplitApp. On OData Model does the "ShowRefreshButton" Property suppose to work? I don't see it doing what it's meant to. View:...
View ArticleProject HomeControl - Smart meter / IOT / UI5 - Introduction
The European Union has decided that every house in Europe must be equipped with a Smart Meter. Here in The Netherlands the electricity company are replacing the old ones house by house, so it will take...
View ArticleRunning SAP Web IDE applications using HAT in Windows
Last month, I wrote a blog on how to run SAP Web IDE projects in Windows platform. At that moment, Hybrid Application Toolkit (hereinafter, referred to as ‘HAT’) only supported Android and iOS....
View ArticleUI5con recap
The first ever conference, UI5con, specially focusing on sapui5 and openui5 was held this Friday in Frankfurt. It was jointly organized by UI5 SCN community, sitFRA organizers and SAPUI5 team from...
View ArticleHow to Use Controls from a Newer UI5 Version in Your UI5 App Without...
Before I start, this is my first blog so sorry for the poor formatting.Summary and Background: At a client we were implementing a customized version of the My Timesheets v2. We did not have the latest...
View ArticleChrome Development Tool tips used in my daily work
1. Quickly navigate to the given line of code in source file2. Quickly find the source file you want3. Alt + Click to expand all children nodes in Elements tab4. Alt+Drag to select multiple lines5. Use...
View ArticleStep by Step to create CDS view through SmartTemplate + WebIDE
1. Create CDS view based on sample database table spfli and scarr2. Use tcode /IWFND/MAINT_SERVICE to finish OData service registration3. Create UI5 application using Wizard in WebIDE1. Create CDS view...
View ArticleHow to add ODATA Service on SAP UI5 application available in Web IDE
Hi Everyone, I want to discuss the way in which we can use ODATA service into SAPUI5 application available into the Web IDE. Right now when we are creating SAPUI5 application from Web IDE it is not...
View ArticleHow to Define OData $top-Parameter for an aggregation binding
Setup: A UI5 Application using a OData ModelTarget: Limit the data that is fetched for an aggregation binding by specifing the $top parameterWhy?: This solution works with any aggregation binding. Not...
View ArticleGlobalization(i18n)
Internationalization and localizationIt is a way, how a computer software could be adapted to different languages. Internationalization(i18n) is actually the process of designing a software so that it...
View ArticleDeploying UI5: Introduction
In Javascript development the code that you write is never quite the code that you want in production. The code you want to write has jsDoc, meaningful and by extension long variable names and white...
View ArticleWebIDE Ninja #1: Consume 3rd Party services with UI5
This blog is the first one of a series of blog which we like to call “Becoming a Ninja Web IDE Developer”. This series will expose advanced topics in Web IDE beyond the standard Fiori development which...
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